During the two lessons on Stanislavski we looked at his context, features, and impact on modern theatre and acting. Stanislavski has very revolutionary ideas, for his time, regarding the importance of actors, script and charecter. This was very interesting to think about in terms of how a charecter can be defined or played by an actor. This made me think about the way i play charecatre sureing my performances and think about how I could improve for the future. This changed the way I thought about playing charecters and how much effort must go into each one to remove myself and my personality from the characters.
Although I have taken many elements of Stanislavski's methods into consideration, especially those regarding his attention to detail, I personally do not like stanislavski's focus on removing the actor from the charecter and his focus on naturalistic theatre, as it does not allow for any symbolism or metaphorical elements.
Although I have taken many elements of Stanislavski's methods into consideration, especially those regarding his attention to detail, I personally do not like stanislavski's focus on removing the actor from the charecter and his focus on naturalistic theatre, as it does not allow for any symbolism or metaphorical elements.